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COSAJI Corporate Membership

SYDNEY - 18 May, 2024  COSAJI - Colleges of Saints Aloysius Joseph Ignatius -  was born at RACA - Royal Automobile Club of Australia!


A great group of guys at a great club.


Mr. William Cummins, who attended all three schools, gave a powerful presentation in the speaker interlude.


He asked the crucial question: What are the common values, the shared characteristics, the bonds shared, amongst Joey's, Riverview and Aloysius' Old Boys?


William went on to explain... 


Perhaps the best and most obvious place to start is to examine the Mottos and Mission statements of each College, which had a huge impact on all of us.  The Motto for Aloys is 'Ad Majora Natus' - 'Born for Greater Things'. The Mission Statement is to encourage students to put their gifts and talents generously at the service of others, educate boys to become young men of competence, conscience, compassion and commitment, and encourage them to engage in reality with a compassionate heart, a discerning mind and a courageous outlook. 


The Motto for Joey’s is 'In Meliora Contende' – 'Strive for Better Things'. The Mission Statement is to educate boys of character and soul, guiding them with the example of Jesus Christ to be capable and compassionate young men, taking their place with confidence and integrity in their families, their communities and their workplaces.  

The Motto for Riverview is 'Quantum Potes Tantum Aude' - 'As much as you can do, so much dare to do'. The Mission Statement includes being informed by the spirit of Saint Ignatius of Loyola and grounded in the Gospel values of justice, service, discernment, conscience and compassion. The College aims to produce young men who are cognisant of, and responsive to, global citizenship in a rapidly changing world.


So what are the common threads with the 3 Mottos and Mission Statements that had such a great impact on all of us at crucial stages of our adolescent lives?  The 3 Mottos clearly encourage and really demand that we do strive to do great things with our lives. 


The Mission Statements also have common threads in that we use our gifts and talents to serve others: to serve our families, communities and workplaces, and indeed, to be responsive to a broader citizenship in a rapidly changing world. Service is the theme which  underpins it all. Further, The Mission Statements mention education of young men in Gospel values of justice, service, discernment, conscience, and compassion as well as competence, confidence, and integrity.


There is one common word in all 3 Mission Statements and that is the word compassion. Why did all 3 Colleges have the word 'compassion' and what does it actually mean? According to the Cambridge Dictionary, the word compassion means, “feeling or showing sympathy and sadness for the suffering or bad luck of others, and wanting to help them.” From my observation and perspective, I think the word and meaning of compassion is the key DNA or X-Factor that really binds us all together.


RACA has partnered with COSAJI, offering a special corporate membership to old boys and parents from the Colleges of St Aloysius, St Joseph & St Ignatius as follows:


Membership Benefits:

          Complimentary access to the on-site business centre;

          Complimentary access to a well-equipped gymnasium; 

          Entry to a global network of 200+ reciprocal clubs; 

          Free NRMA Roadside Assistance;

          Reduced members-only rates for any of the seven corporate conference or function rooms (Technological support equipment available for hire onsite) 

          Reduced members-only rates on Club accommodation, in the heart of our city;

          Access to the members’ lounge and bar;

          Access to a dining-room - which not only offers harbour views and a delectable menu, but which respects the privacy of members and their guests;

          Access to onsite secure valet parking at reasonable parking rates.


Membership Details:

Annual Subscription Fee: $980; Minimum Spend: $600


This is a special rate, acknowledging that COSAJI is a corporate group, and has one vote in annual Club Board elections.


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