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At the heart of the origins of The Royal Automobile Club of Australia is an undeniable fascination with the automobile, in all its forms and its contribution to the community at large. The RACA Motoring Group is for all members and their friends. Join in any of our activities which provide members with opportunities to enjoy and share their interest in motoring.


  • Guest Speakers covering a wide range of topics motoring related, including marque car club presentations, product launch information & history seminars, often accompanied by a group of classic cars on display in a relaxed atmosphere with food available;
  • Sunday Drive Days usually starting with a hearty breakfast in the Harbour Dining Room, spare passenger seats often available – please enquire;
  • Attending special motoring events with privilege access;
  • Weekend away programmes supporting special events with privilege access;
  • Annual gala motoring dinner honouring outstanding contribution by an Australian to the automotive industry.


The Royal Automobile Club of Australia is pleased to sponsor David Berthon's 2GB Motor Torque segments on Saturday morning at 08.55am and 09.55am and Sunday morning at 9.20am and 10.50am.
